Houdini Tutorial Abstract Particles in Houdini Redshift
Useful Links: Houdini source (. hiplc) file: Yan Studio Gumroad: Yan Studio Tutorials Website: Dyne Studio Gumroad: Dyne Studio Dy Lib: About the course: In this free tutorial you will learn all the steps necessary to create the abstract particles render shown in the promo video from start to finish using Houdini and Redshift. This video is intended mostly for beginners and for anyone that may want to learn the basics of particle simulations, redshift instances and proxies, lighting and rendering tips. We will cover topics such as: Creating a random emitter for our particles, simple pop net simulation with several forces applied, caching and post processing the simulation, adding extra postsim attribute that drive shaders in Redshift, working with camera, focus rig, volumetric lighting and Redshift + Altus denoiser render settings.