CGI 3 D Animated Short Embarked by Mikel Mugica, Adele Hawkins and Soo Kyung Kang, The CGBros
Check out this adorable and heartwarming 3D Animated Short film called Embarked about a treehouse and the kids that love it, created by the talented team of Mikel Mugica, Adele Hawkins, and Soo Kyung Kang Produced at Ringling College of Art and Design. For more information, please see the details and links below: Production of this film took 3 semesters, from January 2014 till May 2015 and the programs used were Photoshop, Autodesk Maya for rigging, modeling and animating, Zbrush was used for modeling too, and they used Pixars Renderman for shading and HDR lighting Studio for Lighting. The Team: Mikel Mugica Adele Hawkins Soo Kyung Kang Music was done by Carlos Martin Sound by Dione Tan Voice cast: Daniel Cantor Madison Faust Soo Kyung Kang SUBSCRIBE to TheCGBros for more inspiring content