Lidia Buble Lacatul si femeia ( Official Video)
Watch the official music video for, LacatulSiFemeia performed by Lidia Buble Looking for a new jam Follow the , FollowTheCat Stay updated on all the new trendy music with our playlist Spotify link Follow, LidiaBuble Facebook: Instagram: Produced by: Dorian Oswin; Music lyrics: Dorian Oswin Anastasia Sandu; Orchestration: Alexandru Stangaciu Dorian Oswin; Directed by SAN Edit Color Sergiu Nicula Video produced by Lucas Art Film Booking: Madalina Simionescu , 0744831410 Coproducator Vanatorii de Zmeie See what we are all about Instagram Share your favorite video with your friends Facebook Subscribe for more good music: (P) (C) Cat Music Please, do not use this song without permission of Cat Music Submissions Music :