Space Quest II: Vohauls Revenge (1987) In Depth Review Georg Great
This is an indepth analysis of Space Quest 2 by Sierra OnLine for MSDOS. ft. AdventureGameGeek: yeah, continuing the tradition of the Ultima III review, I deliver another hot take as hot as a take on a 40 year old game can be) this time praising SQ2 as one of the best puzzlesolving games I ve played. Now I need to address that even though I love it to bits I don t consider this game a masterpiece per say (like the original), mainly because of how, unlike the original, this one isn t as packed with content and variety. Due to that the flaws stick out even more: specifically the drab start of the space station segment. If this game was funnier or had as grand a structure as the first one it would be a 10, 10, but as it is it s more like 9, 10. Oh, and yes, I didn t mind the mazes they add variety and tension to the game. Without them the game would be far less involving, I d say.