1500 years of Roman Infantry
Made with ibisPaint. I do not own the audio tracks attached to this video (taken from the Civilization VI soundtrack: Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Medieval Sumeria, Industrial Scythia) The evolution of the Roman heavy infantryman from the dawn of Rome right down to the coming of the Arabs. I ve deliberately (and to save time) not included light infantry and officers. And while I ve tried to keep the gear as authentic as I could, my focus was style rather than accuracy. In order of appearance: Iron Age warlord, EtruscoRoman Class I warrior, EtruscoRoman Class II warrior, Republican legionaries (hastatus, princeps, triarius, postMarian legionary), Principate legionaries ( regular, heavy and Danubian flavours), Auxiliary infantryman, Third Centurycrisisera legionaries (in plate, scale and chainmail armour), late imperial period legionaries (scale, lamellar and chainmail armour), Belisarian soldiers (armoured infantryman, dismounted bucellarius), Roman militiaman, Ma