Tug O River (1960)
Item title reads TugO River Market Harborough, Leicestershire. M, S of the Kibworth rugby team wearing bowler hats walking past camera. C, U of a man in crowd. L, S from the riverbank, the Kibworth Rugby Club are almost pulled into the river by their opposing team in the tugofwar contest but just manage to fight back. M, S of the team pulling. M, S as the first member of the club is pulled into the river followed by the others. C, U member of the team in the river he picks his bowler hat up, puts it on his head and showers himself with water. Various shots of the ladies contest in progress between A and B teams. C, U as the first member of the team is pulled towards the river and the second one sprawls in the mud on the riverbank. C, U man watching in crowd. Various shots of another men s contest in progress, this team has got the rope looped round a tree trunk. C, U of the back member of the team pulling in the slack. M, S of the other team being pulled towards the river. Every member of that team go