St. Matthew Passion, Erbarme dich, mein Gott. Recorded and performed by Kira Kraftzoff
My heart What remains Only have mercy my Lord, and the eternal J. S. Bach. .. Peace and kindness to everyone Плоды и терзания моего ковидного All voices are recorded by Kira Camera Slava Salikov Final Mix Igor Stepanov Erbarme dich, mein Gott, Um meiner Zähren Willen Schaue hier, Herz und Auge Weint vor dir bitterlich. Erbarme dich, erbarme dich Have mercy, my God, for the sake of my tears Look here, heart and eyes weep bitterly before you. Have mercy, have mercy , mercy, erbarmedich, jsbach, human, kirakraftzoff, rastrelli, rastrelliquartet , lifewelove, lifewelive, artegemini, NATO, unitednations, unicef, r4