How to Upsize a Shirt or Blouse to Fit You Perfectly
How to Upsize a Shirt or Blouse to Fit You Perfectly You can make a dress the size of your body with simple tricks and creativity in sewing. There is a method of using decorative strips, but i used my grand mother s shawl. Sometimes, with creative ideas, you can create a new outfit from the combination of clothes. I used a knitted blouse and a beautiful shawl and sewing supplies that I had. This change in clothes is for the benefit of nature. I promise you can too, you can even get ideas from my video and do special things according to your taste. hi I m aram In this channel, I will teach you how to transformation your clothes or make clothes with different fabric and materials. Join me to do creative things on our clothes. Thank you for watching my video, your comments and share will make us happy, please