How to Cut Large Custom Cookie Shapes with Windows ( Especially for My 3 D Cookie Boxes)
It s pretty darn easy to turn large square cookies into a misshapen mess if you don t know all of the insider tips for cutting and baking these shapes. That said, don t even attempt my 3D cookie boxes (video links below) without first watching this video :) It s super important for box pieces to bake up square so that you don t end up with a wonky looking final construction. So view on. .. in this video, I share tips for everything from the best dough to use to how to cut, bake, and cool to keep your cookies (especially large custom box pieces) perfectly uniform. IF YOU LIKE THIS VIDEO, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel. It is only through your support that I can afford to make more videos. THANK YOU RELATED LINKS: How to Assemble 3D Cookie Boxes (The Basics) video: 3D Cookie Wedding Cake Box video: How to Add Windows and Feet to Cookie Boxes video: