Klaus Schulze Trancefer ( LP) (1981)
Klaus Schulze: Album Trancefer (1981). Label:, InnovativeCommunication KS 80 014. Format:, Vinyl, ,LP, ,Album, ,Flac. Country:, Germany 01 October (1981). Style:, BerlinSchool, ,Electronic, ,Ambient, ,Experimental. Tracklist: 1). A Few Minutes After Trancefer (00:00:00), 2). Silent Running (00:18:24). Complete: (00:37:32). Music composed and played by Klaus Schulze. Published by Musikverlag , KlausDieterMüller, Berlin (1981). Percussion by, MichaelShrieve. Cello by, WolfgangTiepold and by Digital Recording and Mix by Klaus Schulze. Digital Cut by Klaus Schulze. Video by, KlausSchulze and, KlausCordes. Back Cover Photos by, MichaelWeisser. Produced by Klaus Schulze. Links: