Meme Toilet bound Hanako kun Boys
(small) Notice Over the last 56 months I started a few animation memes. But due to college and hence no time, they landed in the WIPs folder and started collecting dust there. The possibility of me finishing them is very low. Not only has my artstyle changed and I d have to redo the older ones completely, but I m not really active in those fandoms anymore either. But I don t want all the work to go to waste That s why I cleaned them and sketched some missing scenes. This animation meme is one of those. Be aware this isn t finished Yeah, well, it s frustrating not being able to finish them, but I still hope you guys will like them. This one is probably the one I wanted to finish the most, if only because it fits so darn perfectly in theme. Yashiro is a crazy boy lover but she also is slowly getting the hots for Hanako. Credits Music used: Boys by Charlie XCX Check out My Social Med