Confession today: I used to take inappropriate pictures of my coworkers at my first job
Hey everyone, This is not easy for me to say, I m shaking even just typing this out. But I want genuine advice, and it s something I ve thought about for a long time. Please understand, that I don t think this way now, I m just remembering how I felt at the time, and I understand at numerous points I was arrogant and selfish. I also was diagnosed with autism as a toddler, and while I don t like to use it as an excuse, it may have played a part in my ability to process my emotions. Just know that I am completely sorry it ever happened, and have worked to be in a better place now, just want some advice for the future. When I was younger, I was a creep. It always happened at work. I ll explain my old job first. My work was a tightly knit space, other than the owners, I was the only guy who worked there until I left to move for college and for reasons I ll get into later. I had been at the job for a long time, ever since I had gone from middle school and moved on to high sch