Styrofoam + baking soda and super glue amazing idea to connect pvc pipes of different sizes
Styrofoam + baking soda and super glue amazing idea to connect pvc pipes of different sizes Have you ever tried combining styrofoam with baking soda and super glue it s a great combination to make connections strong, especially to connect pvc pipes that are not the same size. How often do you have to connect different sized pvc pipes It s always been difficult for you, isn t it connectors are not always available to join all sizes of pvc pipes together. So what to do in case a suitable connector cannot be found do not worry. because with my great idea connecting pvc pipes won t be a worry anymore. by using a combination of super glue with baking soda and foam it creates a completely new adhesive and is a hundred times stronger than if they existed separately If you want to know how to combine baking soda and foam super glue so that you can apply it to join your different size pvc pipes, then watch this video to the end Styrofoam + baking soda and super glue