Byulah Anja Ngozi B BRAVE
A video that explores the surreal duality of their recent release on Ngozis Síbín label. In the video for their debut track B BRAVE, UK duo Byulah and Anja Ngozi inhabit a hallucinogenic world full of fantastical imagery that draws from Lewis Carrolls classic Alice in Wonderland in a distinctly DIY fashion. The visual reflects the dual nature of the track, whose raw vocal from Byulah is accompanied by an atmospheric R Binfluenced instrumental from Ngozi. Directed by Charlie Williams of London studio Voodoo Video, the B BRAVE video combines art direction from Natalie Dean, set and costume by Jake Passmore and styling by Bella Dupee with cutting edge visual effects. The result is a surreal dual world that flips to a darker atmosphere as the daydream setting turns into something a little more nightmarish. B Brave is the third release on Síbín, a label founded by Ngozi and Joe ArmonJones collaborator Maxwell Owin. One of the labels core philosophies is to to