Gringo Curts Restaurant Bird Feeder
15 different species of tropical birds destroying 50 bananas on October 27, 2017, at Gringo Curt s Seafood Visitor Center Drake Bay, Costa Rica: Yellowthroated Toucans, Tropical Mocking Bird (F), BlueCrowned Motmots (M), Thickbilled Euphonia (M), Goldennaped Woodpecker (M), Baltimore Orioles (M, F, Juvenile) Green Honeycreepers (M, F, Juvenile), Great Kiskadee (M, F), Buffthroated Saltator (F, Juveniles), Bananaquit (M), Claycolored Thrush (M, F), Goldenhooded Tanagers (M, F, Juveniles), Cherrys Tanagers (M, F, Juveniles), Bluegray Tanagers (M, F, Juveniles), Palm Tanagers (M, F), For information about Drake Bay, Costa Rica visit Please subscribe to our YouTube videos