Travis Thoracic Extension Drill
8 years ago Mark Rippetoe called me out to the group while I was performing a set of Deadlifts note the Kyphosis. At the time I had never heard the word before. After the demo I asked him about it and he explained that I had an exaggerated curve in my upper back. Looking back at photos from those days I looked a bit like Fast forward to now and my Kyphosis is basically a thing of the past. I ve tried MANY methods to change this curvature of my spine, but this exercise has made the most significant change. Training supermans, Arch body holds rocks and foam rolling my Tspine did not effect any significant change for me. I still foam roll it feels good, but this drill changed the game for me. If you or someone you know has Smeagol Syndrome train this drill and let me know if it works for you too.