Gillette Fat Boy Razor 1959 Refurbished Replated Mirror Nickel E1 Z X
Gillette Fat BoyRazor 1959 Refurbished Replated Mirror Nickel E1Z X (50 More Pics) Also included is 180 day Warranty Card, as you can see the date is empty, we will fill it in when you purchase the razor, that way the warranty doesn t run out for the full 180 days. We Take Care Of Our Customers Gillette Fat Boy Razor 1959 Refurbished Replated Mirror Nickel, E1Z X. All mechanics work precisely as they should, the TTO knob opens and closes as it is meant to and the adjustments turn and click perfectly This razor is in Refurbished RePlated In Mirror Nickle. The new finish looks marvelous The blade gap is even across both sides of the entire razor head. There Is Absolutely No Plate Loss, Brassing or Rust. The numbers on the adjusting wheel aren t missing any of the black paint, also the black ring under the adjuster is as black as if it was new. The razor has Been completely disassembled, tuned up, re