To Catch a Predator Weary Predator Jean Pierre Michael Wehry ( JPW)
To Catch a Predator is a popular American reality television series, which featured on NBC. The show was hosted by Chris Hansen and was partly filmed with hidden investigative cameras. The series aimed to catch the sexual predators, who would arrive at a sting house to have intercourse with a minor. Most episodes would typically end in an arrest. The minors were actually adults who were merely impersonating underage persons. The series debuted in November investigations were featured in total and they took place all across the United States. However, the series came to a shocking halt in 2008. On several occasions To Catch a Predator, makers had been accused of creating the news, rather than reporting news. Several media portals at the time had claimed that the show was blurring the line between being a news organisation and an agency of law enforcement. However, To Catch a Predator was finally cancelled in 2008. The show had been accused of Entrapment for years, which is a practice