Derek Mixed By Ali Ali Shares his Bass Mixing Cheat Code
In this video, learn how Grammywinning engineer Derek MixedByAli Ali uses the UAD Little Labs VOG plugin as a bass mixing cheat code in his tracks. Learn more about the Little Labs Voice Of God plugin: For many top mix engineers, the Little Labs Voice Of God is the ultimate bass resonance tool. This unique 500 series module allows you to intuitively shape the allimportant low frequencies of your mix, as well as add depth and oomph to vocals and other sources. Authenticated by Little Labs, the Voice Of God Bass Resonance plugin for UAD2 hardware and Apollo interfaces perfectly models this unique processor, making it a goto tool in the hands of multiPlatinum mixers like Joe Zook (Katy Perry, The Hives) and Joe Chiccarelli (Beck, The Killers). Like Universal Audio on Facebook: Follow