Michael Phelps 12, 000+cal Diet Challenge
Link to Main Channel (This one is dead ) For those wondering, don t believe this is possible, I am a Professional Competitive Eater, currently ranked, 2 in the world. My belly is the size of your house. This is the Michael Phelps Diet Challenge. The challenge is to eat what Michael Phelps claimed to have eaten on his days of training for the Olympics in one sitting. The Challenge consists BREAKFAST 5 Egg Omlet 3Fried Egg Cheese Sandwiches 3 Chocolate Chip Pancakes 3 French Toast w, Powdered Sugar Large (4cups) Oatmeal w, Blueberries LUNCH 1+lbs of Pasta w, Sause 2 Large Ham Cheese Sandwiches w, Extra Mayo DINNER 1+lbs of Pasta w, Sause 16 XL Pepperoni Pizza PLUS Lots (5) Energy Drinks The whole Diet clocks in at over 12, 000 Calories OMG Can the Megatoad finish the entire meal (guessing 16lbs) Also, the challenge was originally thought up by Furious Pete, so thank you for the idea Enjoy Professional Eating + Extras Channel Facebook Twitter Megatoad Tee s Send me a Message on Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter