Watch the highlights of the ISL Season 3s Match 3 Day 2 Here are our champions Teppei Morimoto from London Roar in the mens 200m butterfly in winning 12 points Guilherme Guido from London Roar in the mens 100m backstroke in collecting 19 jackpot points MarySophie Harvey from Energy Standard in the womens 100m individual medley in earning 9 points Alia Atkinson from London Roar in the womens 100m breaststroke in taking 12 jackpot points Ilya Shymanovich from Energy Standard in the mens 100m breaststroke in with 24 jackpot points Nicholas Santos from Iron in the mens 50m butterfly in scoring 12 jackpot points Siobhan Haughey from Energy Standard in the womens 200m freestyle in winning 30 jackpot points Sarah Sjostrom from Energy Standard in the womens 50m freestyle skins in with 43 points Vini Lanza from London Roar in the mens 50m backstroke skins with a time of Final Team Scores for Match 3: Energy Standard 640. 5 London Ro