Final Circles Grand Finals (ft. SSG, Gaimin Gladiators, Alliance, TSM, Guild), Year 4 ALGS Split 2
The Grand Finals of the ALGS Split 2 Playoffs have come to a close, and SSG have crowned themselves as the new champions An incredible series of matches from everyone competing with some of the most intense final circles we ve ever seen in the Apex Legends Global Series. Featuring SSG, GaiminGladiators, Alliance, TSM, Guild, Fnatic, NRG, VK Gaming, Bleed Esports, Not Moist and many more Timestamps: 0:00 Match 1 2:08 Match 2 3:34 Match 3 6:35 Match 4 8:36 Match 5 10:50 Match 6 12:25 Match 7 14:13 Match 8 15:57 Match 9 18:43 Match 10 22:58 Series Results Compete in the Apex Legends Global Series: FACEIT Watch is the official multiview streaming platform of the ALGS Follow the action with up to four team POVs: Subscribe now: Follow the Apex Legends Global Series on socials for more action: Twitter: , algs, apexlegends, apex