Unknown English And American Gathering (1919)
British US military governmental leaders (including President Warren Harding ) meet; probably soon after World War One; it seems to be social occasion with wives present. Brief opening shot: men and women descend from coach. Cut to shot of British Army officers (including Generals John French; Rawlinson Byng ( ) etc). approaching on paved walk across wooded yard; large building in background. More shots of both Army men civilians including some government types and 1 US Army officer, walking around. MS newsreel camera. Pan on group of cameramen with equipment; next to base of large monument with Latin name of William III on its side. MS people coming out of cottage door, pausing in doorway to talk, they are British and American Army men; civilian men and women. Crowd of these stand socialising under arbour. Another doorway; with USA and British flags hanging in front; pulled back like curtains; with Washington Inn on doorway, more VIPs coming out. MS group of women probably some s