The Great Debate Aftermath: Fart Poachers and Celebrity Bidding Wars
Join us as we delve into the bizarre aftermath of the recent debate, where an elderly jackass finds himself the unwitting target of fart poachers. Watch as Whoopi Goldbergs greatgranddaughter and other opportunists lurk in the shadows, mason jars in hand, hoping to capture the highly coveted Bidenomic buttbombs. Discover the unexpected bidding war between Robert De Niro and Taylor Swift, and witness the jackasss oblivious celebration with his 46 devoted fans. Dont miss this wild and hilarious exploration of celebrity fart trafficking at its finest , DebateAftermath, FartPoachers, CelebrityBiddingWar, BidenomicButtBombs, OnlyFans, WhoopiGoldberg, TaylorSwift, RobertDeNiro, CelebrityFarts, Comedy, ViralVideo, hilariousmoments, election2024, comedy, politics, uspolitics, biden, joebiden, comedygold, donaldtrump, economicpolicy, presidentialspeech, davidattenborough