Songs From a Haunted Elevator
Songs From a Haunted Elevator Stuck in an elevator Do you think it may be haunted Look no further for we have the playlist for you With hits from the 30 s and 40 s, it s sure to make your bones rattle and your skin crawl. Sure, you re falling at an awfully fast rate, and the woman screaming next to you couldn t be any more obnoxious, but look at the bright side, the ghost sure do look like they re having fun. Even as the one in the corners fingers count down, Floor 1 0:00 Floor 2 2:57 Floor 3 5:52 Floor 4 8:45 Floor 5 11:53 Floor 6 14:19 Floor 7 18:15 Floor 8 20:54 Floor 9 24:08 Floor 10 27:41 Floor 11 30:23 Floor 12 34:30 Floor 13 37:38