For No SLEEP. (THE FACELESS SHADOW) Welcome back to another absolutely chilling episode and when i say chilling I m being gentle as this place was just terrifying and over run by gangs and drug users. In a small town called leigh lies a little now abandoned church with what the locals say has a huge black shadow with no face and has been said to attack and chase the youths out of here. Me and moxley came here the night before and was surrounded by gangs so we had to leave so us and our equipment is safe. For those who know me and moxley we arnt like other investigators and we will go places others won t to show you guys real hauntings and amazing places. If you want to see some more great episodes then head over to my playlist and see more crazy paranormal explores. As always stay safe out there guys we do this so you don t have to. WARNING DO NOT WATCH ALONE . New video drops every Wednesday 7pm guys. Yo