Neo Soul Keys Studio 2 Full Sound Demo
Visit here for More Info: , nesoulkeys, electricpiano, rhodesvst, fenderrhodes NeoSoul Keys Studio 2 is the next evolution in electric piano sounds and effects from Gospel Musicians, which features a complete architecture overhaul using our Pure Synth structure and licensed VKFX effects. Our goal with version 2 was to make an all encompassing electric piano and effects library that will complete all of your electric piano sound and digital effects needs. Dont think of NeoSoul Keys Studio 2 as just a sample library only. Is is actually a complete EP Library and effects plugin featuring not only Overlouds VKFX library and factory presets, but 17 brand new effects that seamless integrates together with complete effects preset recall from within the library and plugin. General Library Stats NeoSoul Keys Studio 2 Library Comes as Standalone, VST, AU, AAX iFX Rack (VKFX Effects Library) Comes as VST, AU, AAX Available IAP for the rest of th