Woman doesnt come from womb man or wife man, shorts
Originally posted: 9, 9, 2022 Dont ever trust interesting etymologies Transcription: In a recent not deleted tweet, a British politician said that the word woman comes from, Womb In concept, etymologically, that s not dumb. Lots of words come about like that. We got boards we keep our cups on, so it s a cup board. Cupboard. But, Womb man, leading to, Woman It s just not true. It comes from, Wif Which a lot of people take to mean, The wife of a man, making it only slightly less degrading than defining women by their wombs. But that s not true, either. Because in Old English, as the word, Woman, was evolving, the word, Wif, and the word, Man, did not mean what we mean by wife and man today. 1200 years ago, Wif, simply meant a female person. So in an Anglo Saxon translation of the Bible, when Jesus talks to his mother, he calls her,