Bob Blast 278 Special Effects with
BobBlast, 278 Special Effects with Alcohol Welcome back to another BobBlast Looking for something new A fun way to start a painting Something a little Painting with alcohol No, not that kind of alcohol Isopropyl Alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol sprinkled on wet waterbased paint will make a bubbled and marbled textural design in your painting. It s one of the loose techniques used by water colorists and acrylic painters worldwide. However, I suggest following certain criteria and procedures for this technique to work. First, prepare the surface of the watercolor paper (or canvas) with a coat of really good gesso. Let it dry. Then, apply a light wash of pigmented color over the entire surface. Then while the surface is still wet, sprinkle the alcohol either by hand or a spray pump with an adjustable nozzle (use the course option, rather than fine). Don t use a mister as the vapors will be too fine to have much of an effect.