How to play Kill Team Into the Dark: Kommando vs Legionary
In this how to play Warhammer 40k kill team battle report, Pete s Kommando and Riggons Legionary face off in a thrilling matchup. TIME STAMPS 00:00 intro 03:41 turn 1 04:51 KILLZONE: GALLOWDARK terrain 07:12 Orders 14:02 Tac ops 16:07 Action 20:46 turn 1 recap 23:08 turn 2 25:19 Charge 26:09 Rolling attack dice 28:10 Line of sight 39:28 turn 2 recap 44:26 turn 3 49:40 turn 3 recap 51:30 turn 4 58:43 turn 4 recap , warhammer40k , gamesworkshop, killteam, batrep