Soccer: England V Italy (1949)
Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. White Hart Lane, Tottenham, London. MV English and Italian football teams onto field. MV crowd waving Union Jack. SV crowd waving Italian flag. MV Carapellese hands Billy Wright a small pennant and they shake hands. SV Racing tipster Prince Monolulu waving in section of crowd. LV England kickoff. Ball out to left wing. Wright beats Boniperti and centres. MV Crowd. MV Lorenzi running up wing eludes Wright. passes inside to Amadei. SV Amadei passes to Martino and runs forward for return pass between Alf Ramsey and Aston. Bert Williams runs out and collects and kicks up field. MV Italian forward chasing ball, passes back to half back who kicks upfield. MV Boniperti chasing ball but C Aston knocks across goalmouth, where Ramsay slashes wildly, but Wright bowls over Lorenzi and takes ball upfield and passes forward. SV Ball coming through air. Parola takes flying kick over his head. Ball goes upfield after a defensive header by Parola, who fal