4 Epic Full Ippons Scored at the end of the Fights, Ju Jitsu, джиу джитсу, Jujutsu
Sometimes the last seconds of the match are crucial and deciding about the final victory. In that video, you can see 4 examples of completing full ippon at the end of the matches: 1. Franck Party (FRA) at the JuJitsu World Championships Abu Dhabi 2019 2. Claudia Behnke (GER) at the JuJitsu World Championships Vienna 2012 3. Boy Vogelzang (NED) at the European JuJitsu Championships Bucharest 2019 4. Keadnin Komkrit (THA) at the Asian JuJitsu Championships Ulanbataar 2019 To achieve Full Ippon an athlete needs to score ippon in 3 parts of the fight (part I striking, part II throwing and takedowning, part III osaekomi control and submissioning). The athlete scoring full ippon is winning the match immediately. This ruleset motivates athletes to train each part of the fight precisely and makes matches more versatile.