Dearest Saya Tribute Rest In Peace
Tribute to cosplayer Dearest Saya. Rest In Peace. You are in inspiration to many. Your smile will be missed, but never forgotten. Song is Karenai Hana (The Unwithering Flower) by Shimokawa Mikuni. It is also the Full Metal Panic ending theme song. I used the pictures I had at the moment. I might make another one with more variety. English lyrics A small flower is blooming inside my heart, The unwithering flower you gave to me, I was able to believe strongly enough in myself, So I m not afraid I was happy meeting you, And proud of our holding hands, Even though we look up to different skies now, See I can walk on my own I laugh more during sad times, To hide the pain I feel inside, But you hugged me gently without saying a thing I felt as if it were like opening a door frozen in I was happy meeting you, Even though I could onl br, br,