Fake, photo shopped, online photos of Giants from year 2002
Faked colour photographs, most are probably from an online competition in 2002. The caserta palace photo, I put it there so that you know how tall real recent giants were compared to us. The Smithsonian Institute has been working for TPTB, greatly assisting them with their cover up. The giant bones, and artefacts found with the giant bones, get sent to this institution and are never seen again. It is very illuminating when you read some of the books on the topic of Americans giants, as it is clear how often the Smithsonian Institute becomes involved in digs, findings and excavations in America, and then have the bones and all the related artefacts sent to them. Apparently, they have many people employed that are on call, whose purpose is to find out about the new discoveries and then go out to all the finds to collect, confiscate the bones. Where are all those skeletons, bones and artefacts They should have many museums filed with it all all displayed to the public but they do not. There are also