Evening plein air oil painting session looking towards Bass Point on the Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall. It was a fairly chilly May evening but calm and the light was excellent. The hike to the painting location was a good one and Basil (our dog) enjoyed that part the most I was using my Jullian French easel which is fairly heavy to carry but holds everything I needed for painting. I can even carry the finished oil painting back to the car as it is held securely in the easel clamps. The basic palette of oil colours I used was: Titanium white, warm white, Lemon yellow, Cadmium yellow, Raw Sienna, Magenta, Cadmium red, Violet, Ultramarine blue, Cobalt blue and Ivory Black. I used turpentine as my medium especially in the beginning of the painting. The support was a 12 x 10 white canvas supplied by Taylor Made Canvases in the UK. This has is lovely surface to paint onto and light to carry. Thanks to my daughter for filming on my phone and for watching Basil so he couldn t ge