Fuck my buying beat What Just so in love I made myself something that you can t live without, a villain, right I made myself the very thing that can influence you even on some other inventions, right Maybe he could blow your fire away, right You could try to fight with him man, try to fight with the wind man and what will happen I don t know, maybe he will die right Maybe if you hit him a millisecond before he calms down, then you will feel better, then you will believe that you hurt him and maybe your conscience will wake up later, maybe you will say I offended him, in fact, he was my friend, he was the only friend I had on this damn island, right But why don t I pay attention to this island Don t I have enough sand and trees Man, why are you stuck in this wind You re stuck in the wind because you tend to stick to what affects you for the first time in the tide of any bad moods, right You feel his power, maybe he scared you and therefore