Lavender 528 Hz Essential Aurals Meditation by Thriverly
Specifically tuned to Lavender essential oil, to be used as a meditation track accompanied by diffusing or applying Lavender essential oil. Even without the aromatherapy of Lavender diffusion, this meditation will relax and calm you into a deep sense of peace. Lavender 528 is part of the Essential Aurals collection of meditation tracks produced by and available for download at: Get the most out of your essential oils and bring mind and body together with meditation tracks designed to match the vibration and frequency of certain essential oils. Meditating while diffusing essential oils is a powerful combination that allows your mind and body to join forces against stress, lack of energy, depression, and a host of other avoidable states of mind. Get more information at: See our other meditation tracks and what they can do for you, including our meditative journeys Oneness and Healing Spirit.