How Long Does It Take To Train For a Marathon
, howlongdoesittaketotrainforamarathon, marathontips Subscribe, Like, and Comment Hit that bell to receive notifications How long does it take to train for a marathon My recommendation is 12 to 16 weeks. 20 weeks is still fine if you focus on putting in a solid base of easy mileage prior to starting a 16week, properly planned marathon training build up. In this video I cover some tips that helped me lower my marathon best from 2:43:36 to 2:19:35. More importantly, what strategies you can use to get better results with less. Leverage is what the top marathoners focus on. How can I get better results with less work Remember, more mileage isn t always the answer. You want to focus on quality over quantity. Feel free to leave a comment or like if you have a question or have a topic you want me to cover in my future videos. Below are some resources for you to assist you in your training and preparation. Have a training or racing question Business inquiry Contact me at Herbali