THE WORLDS SEXIEST BOTTLE CAP PENETRATION JUST GOT SEXIER New gimmick created and engineered by UDAY JADUGAR From an idea by LUKE DANCY NEW SEMIAUTOMATIC GIMMICK WITH IMPROVED BULLETPROOF DESIGN NO SETUP NO RESET NOW AVAILABLE IN RED, BLACK OR WHITE NO CAP SWITCHES, NO PALMING And even sexier than that: your SKYCAP 2. 0 can now be examined BEFORE and AFTER your performance. Yep, your spectator can completely examine the normallooking bottle cap then screw it onto the normal empty bottle. You then take the spec s rolledup bill or a normal straw or pen and visibly push it through the cap and into the sealed bottle. You can even let the spectator push it through the cap herself You then immediately hand out the capped bottle with the object trapped inside for full examination again And for maximum SKYCAP 2. 0 your fingers don t even have to touch the cap to activate the secret stuff.