Stardust Speed Demon: The Training of Metal Sonic
SONIC MOVIE 3 TRAILER, 2 METAL S DEBUT MICHAEL JACKSON SPEED DEMON The following trailer is the culmination of about 7 months of sleepless asset creation; Overloading the brain on totally unknown software, and a truckload of trial and error. This is a Sonic Movie 3 style fan art reimagining of how Robotnik (Jim Carrey) trained Metal Sonic to be one of Sonic s most formidable enemies. This final render, was actually just a real time desktop capture due to tech problems, is far from perfect but in the interest of time I have to keep these lessons I have learned here and move on. Sorry for the noisy image quality and I still run HD monitors so I will not ship anything in 4K any time soon. I am first and foremost a professional 3D sculpt, modeling, and texture (+shader) artist and by no means am I anything close to an animator or filmmaker. There are broken things everywhere, the pacing is off places and yes I was too worn out to deal with the hyper white over exposed VFX. Prior to s