Do This EVERY Day, NO More Low Back Pain (30 SECS)
If you suffer from occasional or even chronic low back pain, you are definitely going to want to watch this video. Im going to show you a single exercise that you can do anywhere, every single day, that wont take you more than 30 seconds to do and will help you to get rid of that low back pain forever. Understanding the selection of the exercise however requires a brief discussion of the reasons for your lower back pain in the first place. 60 off all AX programs Subscribe to this channel here In general, pain the low back can be categorized into one of two categories; neurogenic or muscular, joint related. The nerve related pain is almost always due to an issue with a lumbar disc or the nerve roots that exit the spine and travel to distant regions of the body. When you have nerve related pain it is always best to get examined by a doctor to confirm and then form a treatment plan specific to resolving the issue. When the iss