A Boy and His Dog (1975 film)
A Boy and His Dog is a 1975 American science fiction comedy thriller film produced, written (with Alvy Moore), and directed by L. Q. Jones, starring Don Johnson, Susanne Benton, Ron Feinberg, and Jason Robards. The film was distributed in the United States by LQ, JAF Productions and in the United Kingdom by AngloEMI Film Distributors. The film s script is based on the 1969 cycle of narratives by fantasy author Harlan Ellison titled A Boy and His Dog. The film concerns a teenage boy (Vic) and his telepathic dog (Blood), who work together as a team in order to survive in the dangerous postapocalyptic wasteland of the Southwestern United States. On August 6, 2013, Shout Factory released the film on DVD and Bluray. The film is in the public domain. Cast Don Johnson as Vic Tim McIntire (voice) as Blood Susanne Benton as Quilla June Holmes Jason Robards as Lou Craddock Alvy Moore as Doctor Moore Helene Winston as Mez Smith Charles McGraw as preacher Hal Baylor as Michael Ron Feinberg as Fellini Michael Ruper