GTA ONLINE Weekly Update: FREE Car, Hunting Pack + Transform Race Bonuses, Kanjo on Podium MORE
The tunables have updated it is a new event week with new content in GTA Online 16th dripfeed week for The Cayo Perico Heist Update. The podium vehicle at the Casino is the Dinka Blista Kanjo. New RC Bandito Time Trial for the week is Little Seoul Park. GTA Online Event Week 080421 to 140421: Podium Vehicle is the Dinka Blista Kanjo. New Vehicles Content: FREE Vehicle Lampadati Tropos Rallye (+Liveries) FREE Black, Pink, Gold, Silver Jock Cranley Stuntman Suits Bonus Money Making: 3x GTA RP on Hunting Pack Hunting Pack (Remix) Adversary Modes, , Freemode Challenges 2x GTA RP on Transform Races Discounts: 50 OFF MkII Weapon Upgrades 30 OFF Grotti Cheetah Classic, Winky 40 OFF Lampadati Casco, HVY Insurgent, HVY Insurgent PickUp, MTL Dune 40 OFF All Dynasty 8 HighEnd Apartments PREMIUM RACE: MUSCLE IN (MUSCLE CLASS) TIME TRIAL: LSIA II RC TIME TRIAL: LITTLE SEOUL PARK Prime Gaming Bonuses: GTA200K for playing this week FREE Kosatka Sonar Station 80 OFF Annis Savestra 35