Battle of Gaza ( Ottoman Empire WW I)
Battle of Gaza (Ottoman Empire in World War I) 1719 April 1917 British forces commencing second invasion to take OttomanPalestine by launching attack to Gaza. Only Ottoman troops with 70 guns and several German airplane defending the area while British massing up 5 Division mounted camel unit, 182 guns, several planes and 8 heavy Mark I tank (Notoriously successful for assaulting Germans in European Front). As British commencing the assault using bombardment and tanks, Ottoman gunners easily disabling British tanks in early battle (1718 April). The British continued the assault through infantry and mounted attacks, from inland and coastal area. Even though massively outnumbered, had fewer guns, no tanks and sit on plain desert, the ottoman defenders fought valiantly and stay firmly holding the ground and successfully repel the assault. As battle progress to third day (19 April) the casualties in the British side was mounting high. Trenches taken by British was easil