Where does RUSSIAN milk go
Hey everybody On today s episode we continue our agricultural your with Nikolay Telanov. in episodes 1 and 2 we toured a 700 cow dairy enterprise and looked at a local museum. This episode we were invited to tour a modern dairy factory whete they turn the milk into products you enjoy in your home. We were very impressed by this facility, the modernization as well as the cleanliness. The owners Sergey and Pavel Volkov graciously took us into there plant and allowed us a glimpse at a process most people would never get to see. A big thank you to them and their staff for their hospitality towards us They also sent us on our way with multiple boxes full of their products. We hope you enjoy this as much as we did Thank you to all our loyal fans and supporters If you wish to support our channel or our family, please follow the links below. Music is from Epidemic sounds you can follow our link here You can also reach out to