Benjamin Francis Leftwich Manchester Snow ( Classroom Concert)
Artist: Benjamin Francis Leftwich Location: Wieners Kaffee, Munich Camera Postproduction: Mirja Kofler Maria Siebenhaar An almost broken guitar with the big inscription Mind the gap is an unmistakable sign that the owner must have a wonderful (english) sense of humor and airiness. The red guitar belt is over and over scribbled with funny anecdotes and messages, the guitar case completely adhered with AllAccesspasses. And his voice is so smoky that you cannot believe that this guy is only 20 years old. We met Benjamin Francis Leftwich in Munich at Wiener s Kaffee and we were immediately convinced that he soon will be not only the support for such a great band like Radical Face any longer but also one of the new talents of tomorrow. Eine fast kaputte Gitarre mit der fetten Aufschrift Mind the gap zeugen davon, dass der Besitzer einen wunderbar (englischen) Humor und Leichtigkeit besitzt. Der rote Gitarrengurt ist vollgekritzelt mit lustigen Anekdot br, br,