What to expect from Season 2, The Newsreader, ABC TV + iview
The cast discuss the upcoming series of, TheNewsreader. Subscribe now: A year on from the events of series one, we meet Helen and Dale, now established as The Golden Couple of News. To the outside world, they present a glowing image of success and but the truth is more complex. As 1987 rolls along, global stocks will soar and crash, Australia will prepare to celebrate its Bicentennial year, and Helen and Dale grapple with who they really want to be in life and whether that path can be The highlyanticipated, second season of ABCs sixpart, multiaward winning drama is coming back. Also, in a move that embraces Australias love of news and podcasts, Leigh Sales and Lisa Millar will host a companion podcast available on the ABC listen app. Stream from Sunday 10 September at 8:30pm on ABC iview and ABC TV: