Overgrown Animation Short Film 2023
Graduation film The Animation Workshop 2023 ANIM19 Overgrown is an emotional moodpiece asking an ageold question: What happens when love and hurt grows from the same place When his garden, once a place of love and dedication, gets infected by bugs, a gardener finds himself faced with an impossible choice: to leave, and abandon all he s been working for, or to stay, but at the cost of his own life. Directors: Anna Elisabet Christensen Animation: Anna Elisabet Christensen, Isabelle Dallemer, Andrea Alexandra Christiansen, Asdis Margret Olafdottir, Lee Amalie Wachmann, Pauline Peysson Script: Anna Elisabet Christensen, Sarah Santangelo Sound Engineer: Severin Wedel Soundtrack: Christian Refer temaovergrown, animation, studentfilm, miyudistribution Want to know more about The Animation Workshop, VIA University College Website: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: