Final Fantasy XV Numb AMV
I ve become so numb I can t feel you I loved the new trailer so that s why I made a very quick edit as you can see, but also I really love this song and it means alot to me due personal reasons. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy it even though it was made very quick, but more to come soon Also I tried to use only cinematic scenes buuuut there isn t much of FFXV, and I didn t want to use FFVS13 cutscenes for this one. Song: Numb by Linkin Park Game: Final Fantasy XV Thumbnail picutre: Tags (ignore) final fantasy XV 15 new trailer 2016 2014 2013 noctis lucis caelum prompto ignis cor gladiolus king lucis caelum stella nox fleuret enemy fight scene cutscene dating trailer gmv game music video english subtitles amv anime music video hd tribute gaming all characters new music video album 2016 amv gmv anime music video game cidney cindy tgs tokyo game show song luna lunafreya 2017 omen trailer 2016 november endlessness numb