Video Recipe for French Toast made in France Fun, fast, delicious and all the details are included in the description. Mouthwatering Imagine that : Your kids just came back from what can be called a shitty day. But Mommy or Daddy (please dads cook ) can fix this up with a big shiny pile of delicious FRENCH TOAST ( Pain Perdu ). .. You will make their day and your evening too lol Please comment because I wanna hear from you And if you like it, even a little smile on a bad joke, please like it I will be glad and I will take english Ingredients 4 thick slices of stale bread ( hard and dry ) NB : That is why it is called in France Pain Perdu (translation : Lost Bread), because otherwise, you would have to trash it. 1 egg 1, 2 cup of Milk 2 TBSP of white sugar 2 TBSP of brown sugar ( for the caramelization) 1 small bag of vanilla sugar (actually I used half of it but what if you loooove vanilla ) Cookware mixing bowl frying pan wire whip Ins